contents Fact Family "House"
fact family cards

How to make the fact family house
1) Print and cut out the model. It is best to use thick paper such as card stock (used for report covers).

2) Fold and crease all of the lines.

3) Decorate your house before gluing. You could color it or write your name on it.

4) Glue the two tabs marked with arrows to the rectangle, and glue the two tabs marked with "T" to the hexagon.

5) Place your fact family cards in the "house." See the links at the bottom of the page for ideas on how to use the cards.

6) If you make a second fact family house, you can fit them together to store your cards. You can use a rubber band to keep them from spilling.

Click here for two models of the thicker fact family house on one page.
If you are not using many fact family cards, you might prefer to make a thinner fact family house.  Click here for the model: 2 thin fact family houses
How to use the + - cards
How to use the x ÷ cards
Print the + - cards
Print the x ÷ cards
+ - games and activities
x ÷ games and activities

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